#Project Sustainability: DVV Media Group is committed to a green future

Reforestation in Klövensteen
A little review:

3,325 trees, 210 people planting them and 32 companies – that was the impressive result of the network campaign “Hamburgs Logistik pflanzt Zukunft” organized by the Logistics Initiative Hamburg.
The DVV Media Group was in action with a highly motivated team in the Klövensteen forest to plant trees.
The Logistics Initiative Hamburg and Climate Sponsorship invited this year’s participants to get involved in environmental protection and the sustainability of our forests under the motto “We’re planting the future”.

In a good mood, they went to work after a short briefing. In the process, we not only laughed a lot, but also learned a lot. For example, copper beeches with their tender root systems have to go deep into the earth, and the seemingly soft, mossy forest floor can be extremely ungracious and unruly. It was well worth the effort. At the end of the day, as the sun set, we were proud to admire our day’s work and could justifiably claim that a new, stately forest will now grow up here.
We are already looking forward to next year!

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