Europe needs good logistics! And what does logistics need?

The debate on how the multiannual EU budget should be structured in future in order to meet the increasing challenges has officially begun. The EU Commission recently outlined its ideas for the reform of the multiannual financial framework (MFF) for the years from 2028.

Many players in the European transport industry are alarmed by the plan to leave the distribution of a large proportion of EU funds to the member states. They fear the abolition of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), which has so far been used to specifically promote the construction and expansion of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). Most recently, 45 European associations of transport companies from all modes of transport, shippers, trade unions and other stakeholders wrote an open letter to the EU Council of Ministers calling for the CEF to be retained.

Following the last European Parliament elections, a wealth of well-known and knowledgeable people have left the EU Transport Committee. Many new politicians have to find their place in the issues and are in the orientation phase.

Now is the time to talk to each other and bring business and politics into an intensive dialog. Who better to do this than the neutral and independent trade medium DVZ Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung.

Confirmed participants in the panel discussion:

Dr. Sara Schiffer, CEO, hylane GmbH
Herbert Traxler, Vorstand, Lkw Walter Int. Transportorg. AG
Christina Thurner, Beirat, Loxxess AG
Dr. Frank Albers, CEO, Fahrzeugwerk B. Krone


Sebastian Reimann, Editor-in-Chief, DVZ Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung
Frank Hütten, Brussels Correspondent, DVZ Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung

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