BVL Magazine One 2025 published

Just before Christmas, BVL Managing Director Christoph Meyer was out and about in Hamburg with Carola Appel, COO of Carl Kühne KG (GmbH & Co.), from the Landungsbrücken to the Jan Fedder Promenade and the Elbphilharmonie concert hall. It was about vinegar, gherkins and pizza with red cabbage – BVL members can now read what all this has to do with logistics in the new BVL magazine Eins 2025, which was published at the beginning of February. The walk took place for the “On the road with…” column, in which a representative of the German Logistics Association (BVL) always meets an important personality from logistics and supply chain management.

The 44-page magazine, which focuses on the topic “All hands on deck!”, contains many articles on the current situation in the automotive industry to accompany the Automotive Logistics Forum, which the BVL organized together with the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) in Dresden on 18 and 19 February.

BVL Magazin is the member magazine of the German Logistics Association (BVL) and is published four times a year with a circulation of around 10,000 copies. The magazine is sent individually to BVL members, i.e. decision-makers from logistics and supply chain management in the German economy as well as representatives from politics, research and education. The DVV Media Group has been producing the BVL magazine since 2014.

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