Transport & Logistics

Logistics is the most important cross-sectional function of our economy. From the supply chain in global trade and production to the shop next door with e-commerce. Logistics is the enabler for economic wealth. In German economy, logistics is the third largest sector with about more than million employees. By controlling the flow of goods and their storage, a turnover of more than 260 billion Euros has been generated in 2017. Due to its geographical location, Germany is a central hub of logistics in Europe.



The Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung is the most relevant media brand in the German transport and logistics market. In print, digital or events: For more than 70 years DVZ provides high-quality information and communication products for the top decision makers.

Commercial Motor


Under the Commercial Motor brand, a weekly magazine is published for the commercial vehicle industry in Great Britain. In addition to news and vehicle tests, Commercial Motor also offers a comprehensive commercial vehicle market place, printed and online.

Täglicher Hafenbericht


The Täglicher Hafenbericht is the media landmark for the maritime industry. This beacon never goes out, appearing daily in print and digitally, providing unparalleled value for decision-makers at brokers, shipowners, equipment suppliers, industry and institutions.

Truck & Driver


The monthly Truck & Driver magazine is aimed at truck drivers in the UK. The content covers all the topics a driver needs to know to be successful on the job.

Air Cargo News


For more than 35 years, Air Cargo News has been recognized as one of the world's leading air cargo publications. Readers are decision makers from all parts of the air cargo industry.



MotorTransport magazine is published biweekly with editorial topics from the areas of transport, distribution and logistics. Readers are owners and decision-makers from the road freight sector in the UK.

Heavy Lift


Heavy Lift & Project Forwarding International (HLPFI) is the leading international media service for heavy lift and project logistics professionals. The magazine is published bimonthly.